You'll need an empty toilet paper or paper towel roll, black paint, white paint or googly eyes or some other eye-sticker, brushes, black paper, scissors, and glue. The string and the hole punch are optional if you are considering hanging your decorations from door handles or tree limbs.
Before beginning, if you're using a paper towel roll, you will need to cut it into three smaller pieces about the size of a toilet paper roll.

2. Paint the roll black and, while it dries, cut out bat wings from the paper. Make sure to leave a spot in the middle so you can glue the wings to the back of the roll. You're almost done!

4. Hang your bat where everyone can see! Have a very Happy Halloween everyone!
P.S. You may have noticed that Frannie isn't here to do this craft with you today, but don't worry. She's on her way to the Groundwater Foundation's 2017 National Conference in Boise, Idaho! She is so excited to meet with groundwater professionals from all over the United States and share with you some stories about her adventures in a couple of weeks. See you then!
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