Friday, April 26, 2019

BLOG: Arbor Day - Plant a Tree

by Jennifer Wemhoff, Groundwater Foundation

In our home state of Nebraska, Arbor Day is a big deal. I've seen a ton about it circulating on social media and local media the past week or so. And every time I think of Arbor Day, this song from John Denver (which was created as part of a PSA for the Arbor Day Foundation) always pops into - and gets stuck in - my head:

Trees are great. They provide shade on a sunny day, help clean the air, provide us with oxygen, reduce the effects of climate change, help save energy, and more.

Turns out, trees are a big deal to our drinking water supplies. This video from the Arbor Day Foundation (which is based in Lincoln, Nebraska) explains why:

Forested watersheds contribute to drinking water for 180 million Americans and are an important part of the hydrologic cycle. 

So go hug a tree, plant a tree, marvel at a tree, sit under a tree - whatever you want to do to appreciate trees.

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