Monday, May 25, 2015

Anniversary Story: "Having a Little Fun Along the Way" by Karen Kelley

"Having a Little Fun Along the Way"
by Karen Kelley, Independence Groundwater Guardian Team, Missouri

The City of Independence, Missouri receives all their drinking water from 42 wells along the Missouri River.  

As part of our educational efforts surrounding the importance of keeping our groundwater safe from contamination, we invite all the 5th grade students from the Independence Public School System to the drinking water plant each October. 

In 2014, over 1,100 students and their teachers toured the water plant and laboratory to see where their water comes from and how it is treated.  Each student also makes their own edible aquifer to see firsthand how groundwater can be contaminated and how important it is to be responsible stewards of this precious resource. 

After the study trips, we often receive letters from the students telling about their favorite parts of the day.  While each student describes the day a little differently, we are pleased that the students are excited about what they learned and have a greater appreciation for the aquifer that supplies them with the water that they need. 
Having a little fun along the way is great, as well.


21 Weeks Until the 2015 Groundwater Foundation National Conference and 30th Anniversary Celebration!

30th Anniversary Story Teller Sponsor
Marshfield Utilities

30th Anniversary Story Teller Supporter
National Ground Water Association

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