As a nation, we face a host of water quality and quantity challenges that are both pressing and ongoing. Persistent threats and challenges, and disastrous chemical spills highlight the importance of safe drinking water to public health and local economies. The public and private costs of inaction can be extensive. Together, we must consider lessons learned over the past decade and apply newly available resources to prioritize threats and protect drinking water sources, both surface and groundwater. Additional action by federal, state, and local partners can and must be taken to effectively protect drinking water sources.

This call to action stresses the fact that source water protection ultimately takes place at the local level and, those on the front lines of drinking water protection – drinking water utilities and local governments, supported by state, federal, and community-sponsored programs – have unique opportunities to defend drinking water. Federal agencies can provide tools and data, and leverage programs and authorities to protect drinking water sources. Other source water partners, including SWC members and their constituents, also play vital roles. All SWC members and other stakeholders can seize opportunities to establish, participate in or support state and local collaboratives to protect drinking water sources. Defending drinking water is truly a shared responsibility among all concerned stakeholders!
Read the full Call to Action here: .
How can YOU take action to protect our nation's source waters?