Friday, September 30, 2011

Shall we Tweet?

Do you tweet? Just a year or so ago, people would have given you a very disconcerting look if you posed that question that to them. Now it’s all the rage!

Just a year ago, Twitter delivered 65 million Tweets a day. Now that number of tweets is over 200 million a day. More than half of the 100 million active users log in each day to see what is going on in the world.

So with that in mind, we (@groundwaterfdn) will be tweeting from our national conference next week. So if you aren’t on Twitter yet, get signed up today. We will be sharing information from the different presentations that take place.

You don’t need to tweet yourself, just follow us or follow the hashtag (a hashtag is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet and keeps you organized) #GWF11 by doing a search.

Share this with your friends and followers too and the tweeting will travel across the globe as nearly 70 percent of the tweets written are from outside of the United States.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pollution Prevention Week

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  The old adage rings true, especially during Pollution Prevention Week!

In recognition, the U.S. EPA has launched a new tool to help consumers make greener choices in selecting products, from cleaners to appliances to automobiles.

The Greener Products portal, online at, links users to various EPA programs and information about how each of us can make green choices.

Learn more about Pollution Prevention week at and find tips on how you can help make pollution prevention an integral part of your life. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Not Just Another Tuesday!

September 13, 2011, is not just another Tuesday! Do you know what makes September 13th special?

It’s Protect Your Groundwater Day!

Visit the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) website to learn more! 

 Groundwater Education - Santa Clara Valley Water District, California
 Groundwater Guardian Affiliate

 Shoreline Restoration Project/Education - Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida
Groundwater Guardian

 River Clean-up - Elkhart, Indiana
Groundwater Guardian

Rain Garden - Calumet, Wisconsin
Groundwater Guardian

 Pharmaceutical Take-back Program - Marshfield, Wisconsin
Groundwater Guardian

What will you do on September 13th and everyday to help do your part in protecting the water you drink and the water that grows your food?