Monday, October 5, 2015

Anniversary Story: Mr. Groundwater - Wayne Madsen" by Lee Orton

“Mr. Groundwater – Wayne Madsen”
By Lee Orton, Nebraska Well Drillers Association

Wayne Madsen receives the
Kremer award in 2000.
Wayne Madsen was a career water well pump installation professional, having assumed the ownership of a business established by his father in Trenton, Nebraska. Madsen’s Well Service was known throughout his service region as an operation which would get the work done professionally and promptly.

Madsen was elected to the Board of Directors of the Nebraska Well Drillers Association in the early 1980s, rising to become its President in 1990. In that role, Madsen championed the adoption of the laws providing for the licensing of the professional water well industry, the development of formal state water well construction standards, and the advancement of the professions by requiring continuing professional education to retain professional licensing.

Following his President’s tenure, Madsen became the Chairperson of the Well Drillers Association Public Education and Public Affairs Committees. In that capacity he, along with his wife, Jean, participated in dozens of public and community education events, from The Groundwater Foundation’s Children’s Festivals, to adult education forums sponsored by his Association Committees and by the Cooperative Extension at the University of Nebraska.

He contributed to the creation of “Wally Water” and “Wanda Water” and frequently donned those costumes with Jean, marching in parades and appearing at fairs or home shows to attract not only the children’s, but the parents’ attention to learning about groundwater.

Madsen chaired the Groundwater Day at the Capitol in Nebraska, which saw dozens of groundwater professionals working with the Legislators to increase understanding of groundwater for decision makers.

Madsen worked tirelessly on Groundwater Foundation events developed to educate others about groundwater. He served for a number of years on planning and advisory committees for the Foundation and provided significant volunteer time in the implementation of those programs.

Monty, Jean, and Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen was without doubt “Mr. Groundwater” in Nebraska.  Everyone who knew him respected his integrity and his tenacity in the delivery of his education efforts for the cause of groundwater management and wise use.  He was recognized by The Groundwater Foundation with its prestigious Kremer Award in 2000 and by his fellow groundwater professionals in 2001 with the first Wayne Madsen Award for Community Service.  The Madsen Award continues to be awarded to recognize other Nebraskans who have delivered community services for groundwater.

In 2014, following the death of both Wayne and his wife Jean, Wayne’s son,  Monty, and his wife, Earleen, contributed  $50,000.00 to establish a Groundwater Foundation Endowment Fund in memory of Wayne and all he stood for in groundwater conservation, management and education. A fitting Tribute to his legacy!

2 Weeks Until the 2015 Groundwater Foundation National Conference and 30th Anniversary Celebration!

30th Anniversary Story Teller Sponsor
Marshfield Utilities

30th Anniversary Story Teller Supporter
National Ground Water Association

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